09 Jun German Acting Award 2021
What a festive setting, now they have been announced: the nominees for this year’s German Acting Award 2021 have been determined! Thanks again to the great acting colleagues with whom I was able to form the official jury of the DSP this year and see many inspiring performances!
Sarah Alles, Therese Hämer, Katharina Nesytowa, Murali Perumal, Gregory B. Waldis, Gustav Peter Wöhler! And now have fun viewing the nominated productions and of course: vote! Click here for our trailer and the names of the nominees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yga-YBb02iQ

Sebastian Stielke Sarah Alles
Bekanntgabe der Nominierten des
Deutschen Schauspielpreises 2021 im Hotel Zoo in Berlin
Copyright: Eventpress Radke
Datum 09.06.2021