
What a festive setting, now they have been announced: the nominees for this year's German Acting Award 2021 have been determined!  Thanks again to the great acting colleagues with whom I was able to form the official jury of the DSP this year and see many inspiring performances! Sarah Alles, Therese Hämer, Katharina Nesytowa, Murali Perumal, Gregory B. Waldis, Gustav Peter Wöhler! And now have fun viewing the nominated productions and of course: vote! Click here for our trailer and the names of the nominees:   [caption id="attachment_1890" align="alignnone" width="150"] DSP-Jurymitglied Sebastian Stielke, Foto: Sebastian Reuter[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_1892" align="alignnone" width="150"] Sebastian Stielke Sarah AllesBekanntgabe der Nominierten desDeutschen Schauspielpreises 2021 im Hotel Zoo in BerlinCopyright: Eventpress RadkeDatum 09.06.2021[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_1891" align="alignnone" width="150"] Bekanntgabe der Nominierten desDeutschen Schauspielpreises 2021 im Hotel Zoo in BerlinCopyright: Eventpress RadkeDatum 09.06.2021[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1894" align="alignnone" width="150"] Sebastian Stielke Murali PerumalBekanntgabe der Nominierten desDeutschen Schauspielpreises 2021 im Hotel Zoo in BerlinCopyright: Eventpress RadkeDatum 09.06.2021[/caption]...

Now it's official: we've been sifting through and discussing things since the end of last year. I am very happy to be a member of the jury for the German Acting Award 2021 (“Deutscher Schauspielpreis”). The inspiring discussions with the great colleagues Sarah Alles, Therese Hämer, Katharina Nesytowa, Murali Perumal, Gregory B. Waldis and Gustav Peter Wöhler are currently in full swing, the nominees will be announced on 9th June, the award ceremony will take place on 3rd September in Berlin. Info: Deutscher Schauspielpreis photo 1: 2021 photo 2: Christian Senger...

Episode „Schwarz und Weiß“ of the TV series FRAU JORDAN STELLT GLEICH now on JOYN! A MadeFor Film Production for JOYN. With: Katrin Bauerfeind, Natalia Belitski, Alexander Khuon, Denise M'Baye, Mira Partecke, Adina Vetter, Sebastian Schwartz, u.a. Directed by: Michael Binz Casting: Tröber-Casting, Berlin...

in Berlin for the 2. season of the show FRAU JORDAN STELLT GLEICH, role ‚Jochen Opitz‘ (MadeForFilm für Pro7 / Joyn, casting: Tröber, directed by Michael Binz)....

The episode "Bochum innovativ" of the successful crime series HELDT with me as the clumsy inventor Lars Zieler will be released on May 27th at 7:25 p.m. and on May 29th at 00:55 a.m. on ZDF and can be found here in the ZDFmediathek until August 19, 2021. The shooting together with the great colleagues, the investigative team Kai Schumann, Janine Kunze, Timo Dierkes, Steffen Will and the other guests Johanna Gastdorf, Caroline Grothgar, Katrin Heß and Ralf "Ralle" Richter were a lot of fun! A Sony Pictures production for ZDF Director: Hartwig van der Neut Casting: Bärbel Bodeux...

in the first of the new episodes of RENTNERCOPS in "Das Erste"/ARD! The episode "Fossi" (directed by Dennis Satin) will be broadcast on January 8, 2020 at 6:50 p.m. ...

in Cologne for the ARD TV series RENTNERCOPS (Bavaria Fiction, dir.: Dennis Satin, casting: Marc Schötteldreier)...

in the ZDF crime series DIE SPEZIALISTEN – IM NAMEN DER OPFER, directed by Gero Weinreuter. Watch the whole episode 7 KLETTERMAXE online here: ...

on "MDR Fernsehen" at 30.06.2018 01:40 a.m. in the movie HALBWERTSZEIT. Infos here (German)...

for the US-american TV-series COUNTERPART for STARZ, director: Kyle Alvarez  (MRC & Studio Babelsberg)...

for KOMMISSARIN HELLER, feature film with Lisa Wagner, director: Christiane Balthasar (Ziegler Film for ZDF)...

in Oct & Nov in Berlin for the German TV crime series NEVER TOO LATE FOR JUSTICE (German: DIE SPEZIALISTEN – IM NAMEN DER OPFER) by ZDF / UFA FICTION, episode leading part, directed by Gero Weinreuter....